Once upon a blue moon

So, Logan made his appearance right on time ( actually a day early), just when I had given up hope. I had gone to the doctors office the Thursday before my due date and she had said that baby Logan wasn’t likely to come anytime soon. However the next day was the last day in the office for me and I was working on packing up my desk. Two of my coworkers came over to me and asked if I was sure I should be really moving such heavy items. I replied, “what’s the worst that can happen I going to labor?” well I should bite my tongue because two minutes later my water broke at my desk!

Matt was home and my friend Denise was still at work, so we met up at the daycare and the Labor Day weekend began. Denise was wonderful to take Camden, while Matt and I rushed off to the hospital.

I was admitted at 5:30 pm, and the doctors wanted to see if I would go into labor on my own. I couldn’t have pitosin because I’d had a c-section before. After 5 hours, and no signs that the baby would be eminent, they gave me the choice of waiting until 5 the next day or doing a repeat c-section. I decided that my track record on natural delivery wasn’t good, and I might as well give into the inevitable. So, they prepped me for surgery.


Logan was born at 12:03 am on 9/1. He was the first September baby born in the hospital. It was Labor Day weekend and a blue moon!

He weighed 7 lbs 10 oz and was 21.75 inches long.

Our whole family is so happy that he’s finally here!

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